… The proposed registry would be searchable by name, similar to the state’s sex offender registry. Specific details of the proposed child abuse registry have yet to be determined. But such a registry would give people another way to check whether someone has been convicted of child abuse, be it a new neighbor, a babysitter, someone who is dating an ex-spouse or someone who is marrying into the family. Full Article
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Here in Orange County they did consider a violent dog registry but then Supervisor Janet Nguyen (Now Senator Nguyen) apposed the idea for good reason..A registry is not good for man nor beast…well, she didn’t include men but you get the gist.
How about an animal abuse registry? That will sell faster than a child abuse registry. People love their animals more than their kids (sadly). Sadly an animal abuse registry would probably pass before a child abuse registry!
Let’s just give this POOR woman her abuse registry along with the proposed 50 Shades of Brown RegistryTerrorist Registry Why? It will only help our cause and draw attention to the slippery-slope effect and prove that registries don’t prevent ANYTHING and are costly to maintain. This will cast doubt onto the efficacy of the entire “registry” scheme.
As much as I hate the SOR and have no love for the politicians who pander to fear to pass the draconian laws, I HOPE this becomes law and the child abuse registry becomes public in Michigan, and then in every other state.
Then I hope the US Congress passes a national Wyatt’s Law. And I hope that ICE and the US Marshals send green notices on every person on that list every time they try to travel.
Then, I hope they follow that up with a domestic abuse registry, and then an animal abuse registry, and then a drug dealer registry, and then a DWI registry, I hope they just keep on going until nearly everyone in this country is on a damn registry and then I will sit back and smirk and say “how do you like them apples?”
Sadly, as many of us have learned through hard experience, it is that experience itself that opens your eyes to how awful the whole thing is, and you finally realize what’s really going on. By then, it’s too late. You’re just one more voice that no one wants to listen to you because you’re obviously biased.
The more people who have to go through it, the better. Eventually, there won’t be a damn politician in this country who isn’t touched by it somehow, and maybe then, finally, enough voices will be heard to drown out the insanity.
I agree the More the Merry, So Don’t just talk about it, Complain in emails to these yuppie reporters that you want the law to protect your Loved ones, send Emails to your Rep complaining that other states have it, and he or she is soft on crime. Tomorrow I hope to be in Richmond VA, doing my part, I don’t like my face being shown anymore than the rest of you Do, But I do it anyway so that I can live with myself. The least some of you can do is start sending Emails all over the Country asking for Wyatts law. Stir up the Public with your fear of child Abusers. I’d be willing to bet you Might even find pictures to send with your emails. Post them at the food stores and other places. gross out the Public.
I have been under the impression that child abuse is considered sex; (just like urinating, saying something a female considers offensive, touching your genitals at 5yo on the kindergarten playground, admonishing a child after you almost ran over them because the child was careless, lies your ex tells to keep you from having visitation rights, having intimate relations with your future wife and mother of your children, etc ad-nausium) and would land you on the registry anyway.
If children are to be protected from those who would harm them, this type of registry makes a lot more sense than a “sex offender” registry. Why? Only a small percentage of child abuse involves sex and those who abuse children in a non-sexual way are much more likely to repeat their offense.
Hawaii has child abuse of all natures in their registry. While I believe the registry has a valid use, ex post facto implementation and not having a sunset period – such as end of probation/parole etc. – leaves little possibilities for ex offenders to reintegrate and move on with their lives. This may stigmatize the families since many of the victims are in fact related to the abuser.
Including those likely to carjack, kidnap, commit a crime using a firearm or weapon, commit arson, kill people with vehicle while under the influence of alcohol, kill people while texting, murder, burglarize and otherwise harm society also should be included. Then we will see how these “regulatory” laws work in the face of clear and present danger and if they do indeed pass constitutional muster.